DigitalMintDigitalMint DigitalMint offers secure, on-demand cryptocurrency purchases via kiosks and teller windows across the U.S., simplifying Bitcoin transactions.
Eagle Bitcoin ATMEagle Bitcoin ATM Eagle Bitcoin ATM offers a straightforward way to buy and sell Bitcoin using cash, bridging digital and traditional finance.
General BytesGeneral Bytes General Bytes specializes in Bitcoin ATMs and software, aiming to lead in blockchain technology and crypto accessibility worldwide.
GenesisGenesis Genesis provides advanced Bitcoin ATM solutions for easy buying and selling of Bitcoin/cryptocurrencies, featuring secure transactions and identity verification.
HolyheldHolyheld Holyheld is a mobile-first DeFi app offering an easy way to manage crypto with trading, storing, and a unique crypto-linked debit card.
InstacoinInstacoin Instacoin provides a network of ATMs in Canada for instant Bitcoin and cryptocurrency transactions, emphasizing ease of use, security, and speed.
IRLMintIRLMint IRLMint offers a pioneering NFT kiosk minting platform for creating unique, real-life NFT experiences and deep customer engagement.
ivendPayivendPay ivendPay simplifies crypto payments for vendors, supporting multiple cryptocurrencies and fiat via innovative vending machines and POS systems.
Keynes PayKeynes Pay gpt_introduction: [Keynes Pay provides a crypto debit card in partnership with Mastercard for worldwide purchases and ATM withdrawals, blending crypto utility with real-world applications.
KillBKillB KillB offers insured USD bank accounts, multi-user access, and account monitoring via a secure, compliant API for businesses.
Kotani PayKotani Pay Kotani Pay is a platform facilitating blockchain and fintech integration into Africa's payment networks, offering On-/Off-ramp services via Stablecoin, API, and USSDefining.
LAMASSULAMASSU LAMASSU pioneers the Bitcoin ATM industry with user-friendly, open-source cryptomats for buying and selling cryptocurrencies.