rarity.toolsrarity.tools NFTs ranked and sorted by rarity!
ICO RankerICO Ranker ICO Ranker offers unbiased analyses on ICOs, IEOs, and STOs, curated by experts for investor reliability and project exposure.
NFT BenchNFT Bench NFT Bench offers gamified ratings and reviews for NFT projects and artworks, enhancing transparency and community engagement in the NFT market.
Black Diamond RatingBlack Diamond Rating Blockchain rating community.
Crypto WatchtowerCrypto Watchtower Crypto Watchtower combats crypto scams with free tools including detailed token analyses, smart contract scanners, and a rug pull formula.
DeFi SafetyDeFi Safety DeFi Safety evaluates DeFi projects for operational safety and best practices, providing scores based on audit thoroughness and security measures.
DeFi ScoreDeFi Score DeFi Score quantifies DeFi platform risks with a 0–10 score, considering smart contract, decentralization, and financial risks, aiming for transparency and community collaboration.
EvaluapeEvaluape Evaluape leverages AI, machine learning, and big data for professional evaluation of blockchain projects, aiming for transparency and community culture.
HKVACHKVAC HKVAC is promoting Hong Kong as a global leader in virtual assets, offering services like credit ratings, investor research, and fraud detection.
OlyverseOlyverse Olyverse is a web3 platform connecting fans with celebrities via NFTs and metaverse experiences, fostering unique engagements and ownership of stars' legacies.
AugurAugur Augur is a decentralized prediction market on Ethereum, enabling users to bet on sports, politics, and more. It uses REP tokens for fair event outcomes, combining crowd wisdom with blockchain security.